The origin of KidZania starts like all great stories start, with an idea driven by an unwavering spirit born of a desire to create something better.
Enough was enough. Something had to be done and kids were the ones to do it. The history of KidZania starts like all great stories start, with idealistic passion and an unwavering spirit that was stimulated by a communal desire to create something better.
The kids of the world became utterly fed up. Looking at the way the adults were running the world had become an exercise in exasperation. Societies were becoming inequitable, valuable resources were routinely squandered and values were seemingly more and more negotiable.
With principles wavering and violence increasing, it became apparent that kids would be inheriting a less than ideal world. Something had to be done and they were the ones prepared to do it.
This was a world full of opportunities where kids could assert themselves and be responsible. This was a world full of possibilities for sharing ideas and gaining knowledge. And this was a world where kids could think and act independently from adults. What the kids envisioned, was a real world made perfect which ultimately made it "the place" where kids wanted to be.
Following the spirit of many independent thinkers in history, kids decided to mark this moment and write an official Declaration of Independence. This proclaimed their sovereignty as a group united in purpose and announced their new world's existence.
These Rights were fundamental to their beliefs and united them in principle and purpose, that were their guide towards achieving happiness.
The Rights are:
The Right to BE empowered, unique and free
The Right to KNOW and be experimental when learning
The Right to CARE about the world and the future
The Right to PLAY and have fun in life
The Right to SHARE socialize, befriend and embrace
The Right to CREATE, imagine, express and inspire
After some consideration, the kids agreed upon the name for their Nation: KidZania. Roughly translated, it means ‘Land of Cool Kids’. It was short, easy to remember and it sounded really kool. Especially when they started calling themselves KidZanians, CitiZens of KidZania. All the kids loved it!
As with any sovereignty, KidZanians desired artistic representations of their identity to promote a feeling of community among the citizens. To achieve this, the children created The National Flag, the Independence Fountain, a currency called "KidZos", a unique language, a powerful National Anthem, a KidZania song, as well as the Eternal Spirit.
The Eternal Spirit is located at center of the Main Plaza inside KidZania. It commemorates the foundation of each KidZania city. The globe, symbolic of KidZania's reach and accessibility to kids everywhere, while the flame symbolizes the deep, burning desire in the hearts and minds of kids to make the world a better place.
The RightZKeepers of KidZania represent the ideals that are the basis of this Nation’s reason for being. They are considered the “Guardians" of KidZania’s most important RightZ: to Be, to Know, to Create, to Share, to Care and to Play. They all together join a great scope of diversity, characteristics, tastes and profiles.
Urbano, a 9-year-old boy, represents the “Right to Know”
Vita, a 7-year-old girl, represents the “Right to Care”
Beebop, a 10-year-old boy, represents the “Right to Create”
Chika, a 10-year-old girl, represents the “Right to Share”
Bache, a cheerful dog, represents the “Right to Play”
Bekha, a 11-year-old girl, represents the “Right to Be”
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